Propiedad en venta 9131-1 Banco Nacional de Costa Rica

M² of construction

Propiedad en venta 9131-1 Banco Nacional de Costa Rica






Montes de Oro





Lot Size



It is a land with buildings like wineries. According to the comments of the perito valuador: The inspection was carried out on site of the constructions is a winery with type similar to the BG02, it has the construction of three offices, a dismantled bathroom and waiting room inside the winery located on a mezzanine in steel with tube interpse 4x4 and wooden floor with loose parts, besides the mezzanine is found to be cut off the rails, Some walls are cut where the electrical installation is seen, the electrical installation is partially covered.
In the field currently at the center of the street has about 5.12 m to 6 m did not respect at the time the line of the new expansion where the current construction is
invading this strip, as was evident in the visit to the site and according to information in a catastro plane.
Because of this it is considered not to value the area of the land that is being considered for future expansion of the path that corresponds to 46.8 m2.
In addition, the construction is also within that area so it is not considered the value of 46.8 m2 of the construction, in addition to the area of the mezzanine that is located
in that strip, the total area of winery plus the mezzanine is approximately 730 m2, is made the demerit of the area that is located in that strip.
675.2 m2. In addition, the construction that is adjacent to the septic tank with another state of conservation is valued since the repairs must be carried out
With regard to this condition of future enlargement of the road, no responsibility is assumed for the costs that this condition might involve in the future for possible
architectural or structural modifications to be made to the property.
Currently below the construction passes a sewer see photo 17 of the photo annex, it is presumed that it can be of rainwater that pass through the property, so
that no responsibility is assumed that this will cause any problem in the good, since the trajectory of the same, in the study of registration and in the
plane does not record such a step of water, however the inspection is observed. A demerit factor is applied to the present situation.
In the area of the winery is the septic tank , however there are significant sinks in the adjacent slab, all the land is built so it is
presume that in the adjacent part to the tank the drainage is built and it is possible that this will cause a significant settlement in the slab, the operation is unknown
current mechanic of the property, but significant sinks are observed around the septic tank inside the property, so it must be taken into account
this condition, since the visit is carried out under the principle of appearance, and in the visual inspection, so there is no mechanical, structural or study of
soils so that no liability is assumed for hidden vices, which could not be found during the visit.
Cuts are observed in walls and beams to make the electric pipe step, cutting a wall and beam section for the passage of the same as is in the annex
It is recommended to rectify measures with a topographer since the property is not well delimited and at the back no fence or delimitation is observed, and
access to the back is difficult since there is no exit at the back of the property.

It is sold as stipulated in the property registration study. It is located in a cataclysed area. It is warned that the financing for this property is conditioned, in such a way that it is financed as maximum, taking the same property as guarantee, the value of the land ,37). In the event of a greater amount of funding, the customer must provide an independent guarantee that is in full satisfaction of the BN, as stipulated in its procedures and policies, in addition to assuming the expenses generated by this management.
It is sold as stipulated in the property registration study. The National Bank does not guarantee or assume responsibility for the type of use of the land of the property that is granted by the respective municipality, nor does it guarantee the state of the property. Any type of work that requires the property for problems subsequent to the sale will be the sole responsibility of the buyer, so the property must be accepted in the physical and conservation state in which it is located. The National Bank does not guarantee public services in the property or access to them. In the light of the above, the offeror shall inspect the property and consider it necessary, undertake the appropriate studies to ensure its physical use and rule out that there are hidden vices, in addition to making the consultations to the corresponding municipalities and public bodies to ensure their use of land and public services, as required, as well as construction permits, if required. The individual concerned must give a written demonstration, by which he accepts the properties in the state of use, preservation, possession and conditions in which they are located; since he inspected and verified them previously, and with the presentation of the offer expressly accepted the conditions of the property, releasing to the National Bank of Costa Rica, officials and/or employees of any present and future responsibility; likewise by renouncing any judicial and/or administrative claims against the BNC In addition, it is indicated that it accepts the good in the current conditions and has corroborated the public services indicated in the endorsement with the corresponding institutions; as well as the use of land of the property before the respective municipality. . The property is sold in cash or with financing using restrictions (respecting the policies and procedures of the Banco Nacional de Costa Rica) , in the sense that the client must be subject to credit and the guarantee(s) that support the financing must be entirely satisfied with the Bank. " The customer may offer a higher value to the endorsement in order to win the auction, but he must consider that he must provide an additional guarantee covering the increase, the additional guarantee must be accepted by the Bank in accordance with established policies. All credit carries a policy. It is clarified that the premium for the first year will be cancelled on the day of the signature of the writing in advance on the account of the awardee, this amount will be paid by the awardee. (This amount may vary by factors such as Age of the debtor, General Debt Level of the debtor, amount offered by the property by the grantor). This amount is not financial. For the next few years it will be included in the financing fee. The eventual awarde shall be charged with the costs of transfer and mortgage stamps. . It is sold according to avalúo 214-60403014673800-2024-U , made by the expert KEVIN JOAB MONGE RUIZ on 19 March 2024 and based on the P- plane that is registered in Register and related to this property.
The buyer accepts the land and the linens with the measures indicated in the sales poster, which are indicated in the above-mentioned valuation of the property and without topographic demarcation according to the plane demonstrated and to what indicates the study of the National Register, any existing accommodation difference against the field check, will be at the discretion of the buyer to perform the legal procedures for its replacement or rectification. Assuming the buyer ' s own expense of such management; therefore, the buyer exonerates the National Bank of Costa Rica, its officials and Notario in charge of performing the writing, of any present or future liability for the accommodation difference, and waives beforehand any subsequent judicial, administrative or criminal claims with the signature of the sales poster and/or the purchase offer form.

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